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Breakfast on the first day of Term

Elisabetta Domenici
Ylana Thomson
6 posters

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1Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:26 pm

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Ylana pushed the double doors open, and walked into the Cafeteria, clutching her bag to her shoulder. She grabbed a seat at a table, and waitd for any familiar faces to turn up; she didn't care if they were from Slytherin, even. Just somebody she knew would do to talk to for a while

2Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:44 pm

Elisabetta Domenici

Elisabetta Domenici

Yawning heavily, Betta dragged herself into the cafeteria, grabbed some coffee and doughnuts, then went over to sit in front of Ylana.

"Good mor--mor--morning!" she yawned again, shaking her head in order to wake herself up even more. "Ugh...I'm not used to waking up this early just to get to a class."

3Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:47 pm

Allyana Graves

Allyana Graves

Ally sat down opposite Ylana, a girl who was in her own dorm at Hogwarts. She liked Ylana, a lot, and dumped her bag on the floor as she pulled a bowl of cereal towards her. "Hey, Ylana! Didn't know you were coming here! I got Advanced Potions first, what have you got?" she gushed, speaking too fast. As per usual. It was ten that she noticed Betta Domenici, and smiled at her. "Hey, Betta! Didn't nw you were coming ehre, either! How's Severus?" she said politely.

4Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:51 pm

Jerith McKennon

Jerith McKennon

Jerith, who had just taken a shower and washed his hair, sauntered into the cafeteria, saw Betta, smoothed his hair back, then walked up to the girls.

"Betta's a small world indeed." he grinned, chuckling when she rolled her eyes. "Good news...the instructor position at Durmstrang didn't go through, so now I'm here, and you're here, and maybe we could go for coffee sometime this evening?"

5Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:00 pm

Sbastian Prince

Sbastian Prince

Sebastian strode into the cafeteria, his newly washed black hair falling in his eyes. He saw a table with a bunch of familiar faces around it, and made his was towards them. Frm up close, he now saw that this table contained Jerith and Betta, but took a seat next to Ylana. He put his aarm around her shoulders, and smied at her. "Hey Yls! Great to se you, the summer was too long. Hey Ally, Betta, McKennon, he said, barely acknoledging Jerith; h flirted too much.

6Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:05 pm

Elisabetta Domenici

Elisabetta Domenici

Betta giggled at Sebastian's obvious dislike of Jerith. "How's it going, Sebastian? It's been way too long." she added, standing up and hugging him, seeing the scowl on Jerith's face out of the corner of her eye.

7Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:07 pm

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Ylana smiled back at Seb. "Hey. An, um, yeah. I hae Advanced Potions first. Who else has Advanced Potins first? I need the moral support" se added, joking atthe end a bit.

8Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:09 pm

Sbastian Prince

Sbastian Prince

Sebastian hugged Betta back. "It has been too long, Betts. I'm fine, how have you been keeping?" he didn't dislike Betta, exactly. She was nice eough.

9Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:10 pm

Severus Snape

Severus Snape

Severus, who had--once again--forgotten to take a shower because of the homework he'd doing all night, walked quickly into the cafeteria, black robes swirling around him, his lips pursed in a thin line, and made his way over to the breakfast line. Once he'd gotten his food, he looked for a table he could sit at...

Damn! he thought, seeing that Jerith McKennon was hanging around with Betta and her friends. He rolled his eyes and made his way to a table in the far corner of the cafeteria, where he pulled out that morning's edition of The Daily Prophet and began reading.

10Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:32 pm

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Ylana saw Snape walk over to a table in the far corner, and pulled out a spare quill and ink, and a bit of Parchment. She quickly scribbled a note on it:

Areyou doing Advanced Potions? Please say yes! I need someone with me apart from Ally and Seb! Come on, Betta and everybody wants to talk to you. Don't be a Flobberworm. McKennon's being ignored spectacularly by everyone.

She tapped her wand on the note, and it flewoff towards Snape.

11Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:00 pm

Severus Snape

Severus Snape

Severus caught the note in mid-air and read it, glancing over at Ylana's table. He sighed.

Might as well. What can they possibly do that hasn't been done before?> he thought, grabbing his newspaper and coffee and making his way to the group.

"Ylana...Ally...Betta..." he stopped momentarily and looked at Betta..."McKennon." he growled, glaring at Jerith, who stared back at him. "So...what's this about Potions?" he asked, turning his back to Jerith and facing the rest of the group.

12Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:51 am

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Ylana smiled at nape as he approached their table. "If you're taking Advanced Potions, then you'll be in with us-" she indicated herself, Sebastian and Allyana "-first, with Professor Poize. Ugh, and then I've got DADA, Herbology, Transfigurations, Ancient Runes I, COMC and Charms I. Please somebody say they've got those classes," she added, muttering under her breath; she didn't want to be alone.

13Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:56 pm

Elisabetta Domenici

Elisabetta Domenici

"You're in luck--I have advanced Potions." Betta replied, looking at her watch. "The same time as you, in fact. What about you, Potions Master-to-be?" she queried, grinning at Severus.

14Breakfast on the first day of Term Empty Re: Breakfast on the first day of Term Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:51 am

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

lol! "Brilliant, Betta! Has anybody got any ideas on what they want to o afterwards? You know, jobs and such?" she asked.

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