Marauders University
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Marauders University

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Ylana Leigh Thomson :D

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1Ylana Leigh Thomson :D Empty Re: Ylana Leigh Thomson :D Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:22 pm

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Also, her College schedule is:
Advanced Potions
Defence Against the Dark Arts for future Aurors
Advanced Charms I
Ancient Runes I
Theories on the Care of Magical Creatures

2Ylana Leigh Thomson :D Empty Ylana Leigh Thomson :D Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:09 pm

Ylana Thomson

Ylana Thomson

Name: Ylana Thomson
Birthday: April 21st, 1959
House: Gryffindor alumna
Years at Hogwarts: 1970-1977
Wand: 11" Yew and Unicorn Tail Hair
Blood: Pure blood
Status: Single
Alignment: Order Of The Phoenix

Biography: Ylana is best friends with the Marauders, and all of the Order. She was born to Charis and Casper Thomson (Charis used to be Crouch, Sirius' aunt), so that makes her Sirius Black's cousin. She only stays close to her family to find out what the Death Eaters are doing, so she can try and warn the Order before bad things can happen. She is a very skilled witch, and has long since learned how to duel. She isn't afraid of standing up for herself or other people, and is a very loyal friend, as well as being kind. Although, she is formidable against enemies.
Academically, Ylana excells in Defene Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfigurations and Charms.

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