Marauders University
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Apartment #1-- Jerith McKennon

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1Apartment #1-- Jerith McKennon Empty Apartment #1-- Jerith McKennon Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:25 pm

Jerith McKennon

Jerith McKennon

Jerith looked up at the very large apartment in front of him and grinned as he levitated his trunk and other bags inside, registering himself as a new resident before taking the key and unlocking the door to Apartment #1. Levitating his luggage, he sent it over to one of the bedrooms before looking around at his new surroundings.

Over to his left stood a large refrigerator; he went and looked inside, and was pleased to see that there were all sorts of blood products inside, including several gallons of blood and blood-flavored ice cream. Over to his right stood a gumball machine filled with blood-flavored gumballs. After looking at this, he went inside the master bedroom and was very pleased to see a huge, rounded feather bed, complete with matching black and red sheets and coverlet.

"This is going to be a great semester." he chuckled, already thinking of ways to bringing girls there to give them the official tour of the bedroom.

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