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Anneliese Marie Taylor

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1Anneliese Marie Taylor Empty Anneliese Marie Taylor Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:13 am

Anna Taylor

Anna Taylor

Name: Anneliese Taylor
Birthday: January 13th, 1960
House: Ravenclaw alumna
Years at Hogwarts: 1970-1977
Wand: 12" Rosewood and Dragon Scale
Blood: Half Blood
Status: Single
Alignment: Order Of The Phoenix

Biography: Anneliese, or Anna, is a kind girl. She is good at magic, and wants to work at the Ministry. She was born to David and Rachel Taylor, and lives in Seathwaite, north England. She is particularly good at the harder subjects, potions, ancient Runes, transfiguration and arithmacy. She also took OWLs and NEWTs in muggle studies, bt soon gave it up, even though she got O both times.

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