Marauders University
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Sebastian Thomas Prince

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1Sebastian Thomas Prince Empty Sebastian Thomas Prince Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:57 pm

Sbastian Prince

Sbastian Prince

Name: Sebastian Prince
Birthday: May 30th, 1959
House: Gryffindor alumna
Years at Hogwarts: 1970-1977
Wand: 12" Oak and Dragon Heartstring
Blood: Pure blood
Status: In a relashionship
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix

Biography: Sebastian Prince is a intelligent wizard. He wants to be an Auror more than anything, and will take as many after hour classes as he needs to get there. He loves Ylana Thomson, who he has been going out with snce their fifth year.

He takes:
Advaced Charms I,
DAD for future Aurors,
Advanced Potions,
Ancient Runes II,
Theories for the care of Magical Creatures,

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